
My work in this area focusses on the development of equitable and inclusive practice models in music education and instrumental instruction. I work regularly with Instrumental Music Services across various Local Authorities.

Lio is a guiding light in inclusive practice, always seeking equity of opportunity for all children and adults, especially those that face disadvantage and isolation due to the barriers imposed on them by society. His creative musical knowledge informs his own practice and helps countless people to invest their creative energies in raising the bar of attainment, not just for their own development but also for the benefit of others. He inspires, enthuses and enables people to activate their own wisdom and inner resources, in order to develop their true potential to lead fulfilling and inclusive lives.

Ninian Perry

Creative Director, Paragon Music

In collaboration with Paragon Music, I established an award winning programme in music education (Play On) for children with additional support needs to receive instrumental lessons. This programme came about as a direct result of the findings of a research project ‘Who gets to play?’ which I led. Play On won the RBS Community Programme of the Year Award. It ran for several years at the University of Strathclyde and now runs as Tune at the Glasgow City Halls in collaboration with Glasgow Life.

I work closely with colleagues from Royal Conservatoire Scotland on research of music education at a national level. I led the case study research for the What’s Going on Now? study commissioned by Creative Scotland. I am currently leading the case study element of an evaluation of the Youth Music Initiative being led by the Royal Conservatoire Scotland for Creative Scotland.

I have known Lio for in excess of 20 years, and have worked with him closely in a variety of professional and educational settings. Lio has provided thought provoking, and thoroughly engaging presentations at the Heads of Instrumental Teaching Scotland (HITS) Annual Conference, also for South Lanarkshire’s Instrumental Music Service.  Lio holds an incredible ability to challenge, support, passionately inform and enthuse professional audiences as a presenter.

Graeme Barclay

Music Service Coordinator, Past Chairperson of HITS

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